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Our Mission

The Bible gives every Christian the responsibility to take the gospel to the whole world. God has ordained the local church–made up of believers—to carry out the Great commission:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Matthew 28:19-20 KJV

For that reason, the Fellowship Tract League is a local church ministry, operating under the authority of the Fellowship Baptist Church of Lebanon, Ohio. We believe the world can be reached for Christ through the printed page. Our mission is to help provide the materials needed for God’s people all around the world to fulfill His command.

“To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God . . .”

Acts 26:18 KJV

Our Story

The Fellowship Tract League was founded in 1978 when the Lord led Pastor Wash Pennington and the Fellowship Baptist Church of Lebanon, Ohio to do more to reach the world with the message of the gospel. The Fellowship Tract League began in one room of the church basement with a single sheet-fed press. Today, the ministry occupies a 26,300 square foot building and operates a full-color printing press that is capable of printing twice as many tracts per hour as the smaller 2-color presses we used in the past.

By God’s grace and provision, we have printed and shipped over 5.2 billion gospel tracts in more than 85 different languages to more than 200 countries and territories. Every tract printed by the Fellowship Tract League has been given away free of charge, as the Lord provides.

Our Leadership

Pastor William Burrows was the director of the Fellowship Tract League for five years before becoming the pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church in January 2013. The Fellowship Tract League is now directed by Jon Brown, who has been a member of Fellowship Baptist Church and an employee of the Fellowship Tract League for over 15 years. Both of these men strive to serve the Lord faithfully in reaching lost souls here and around the world.

Our People

The Fellowship Tract League could not exist without the faithful members of the Fellowship Baptist Church of Lebanon, Ohio. For many years, volunteers had gathered every Tuesday morning for several hours to band and box the previous week’s run of tracts in preparation for shipping around the world. Their prayers, physical labor, and sacrificial giving have made this ministry possible.

In addition to the Fellowship Baptist Church, thousands of churches across America and around the world have given faithfully to support this great work. We could not do what we do without their prayers and financial support. We knew from the very beginning we could never accomplish what God called us to on our own—we need the support of God’s people.

Your Participation

If you would like to participate in supporting the Fellowship Tract League and our mission to reach the world with the gospel, here are some ways you can do that:

Please pray. Prayer is our single greatest need. Each morning, our staff meets for an hour of Bible reading and prayer before the workday begins. This ministry’s birth and its growth have been an answer to prayer. Please pray with us and for us.

Please give. Paper is our single greatest expense. We order each truckload of paper by faith, trusting the Lord to provide the funds necessary. By helping us pay for paper to print the Word of God, you will lay up treasure in heaven. Many pastors have led their churches to include the Fellowship Tract League in their missions budgets. Many individuals give to pay for a 500-pound roll of paper (approximately $450-500 USD1 as of August 2022), which will provide enough paper to reach 125,000 precious souls with a gospel tract containing the life-giving, soul-saving power of the gospel.

1. This represents the cost of paper alone; ink and other printing expenses are not reflected in this cost.
